Resilient Regenerative Agricultural Initiative

RRAIN (Resilient Regenerative Agricultural Initiative) is a special purpose vehicle that was established by civil society and commercial farmer partners in South Africa to pool capacity and resources to modernise, mechanise and commercialise smallholder farming in the deep rural, communal and peri-urban areas of South Africa by following the landscapes approach to agricultural development.

Rain and the peoples of Southern Africa

The different cultural communities of Southern Africa sustained themselves through agriculture for centuries. This connectedness to the land through the growing of crops or keeping of livestock ensured a very special place for rain in culture, tradition and custom. The rain-making peoples were revered, in many cases tributes were paid by even the mightiest of peoples and their kings. When it rains during an event, such as a wedding, the event is considered to be blessed. When it rains after a leader spoke, it is indicative of authority bestowed from a higher power – and serves as divine confirmation of what was said.